about WETPRO

It is about having the strength to never give up.

Here at WETPRO, this is our philosophy and our belief. To athletes, the sportsmanship of never giving up is the key to success.

Founded in Hualien, Taiwan, the main services of WETPRO includes development, manufacturing, and sales of water sports products. Persistence, innovation and pursue of unlimited possibilities are a few things we aim for.

The star product of WETPRO is TOP carbon fiber dragon boat paddles. Manufactured in Taiwan, this paddle was and still is used by the gold medalists of the IDBF World Championships, IDBF Club Crew World Championships, Asian Dragon Boat Championships, and the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games.

We manage our brand with our sportsmanship, striving for the best quality just like striving for great performance on the water. And with this kind of attitude, we believe excellence can be achieved.

由 Mr.CaNoe Taiwan 和 WETPRO 共同合作的 2022 划向美好未來龍舟訓練營!!
這是專為各團隊移地訓練,量身規劃 1-2 天的不同強度課程




固定時間開班,上午2小時 + 下午 2小時


固定時間開班,上午2小時 + 下午 2小時 連續 2 天




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碳纖維可調式龍舟槳 202a(競賽款)。